Monday, October 27, 2008


We all experience stress in one form or another. Children and teachers feel stressed. The degree and level of stress varies from individual to individual. Stress is harmful and affects both performance and health.

I have found that daily Meditation helps reduce stress considerably. One only needs to be guided properly by a Spiritual Master in Meditation.
The simplest technique is to:
Sit in a comfortable posture and ensure that nothing disturbs or touches your physical body.
Close your eyes and look/concentrate on the seat of the Soul. (The Third Eye: the place between the two eyebrows). Do so in a relaxed manner without putting any stress on your eyes.
Repeat the Name of God. Choose any one of the names of God. Repeat it inwardly. It helps to still the mind.

Thus, we withdraw from the world of physical sensation and go within.
Evidence is there that regular Meditation brings an Inner Peace, a sense of physical well being, an equanimity and poise to face the challenges of life. This Inner Peace radiates itself to the outer world. Meditation helps a person rise above Physical consciousness and be detached. At the same time, the person is one with God and can feel the Divine presence in animate and inanimate objects around him. This Inner Peace leads to Outer Peace.

We did try this Technique of Meditation on thousands of students by asking them to meditate at the beginning of the School day for 10 to 15 minutes, under the supervision of their Teachers, in their Classes. The Children were asked to practice Meditation at Home also. We found remarkable progress: increased attention span, more concentration and improved performance. The teachers also felt the same.
What I am writing is based on feedback from students about Meditation and its benefits, if any. The Experiment is still continuing in about 15 Schools managed by Darshan Education Foundation, Delhi, India.
The guiding Light is His Holiness, Paramsant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj; the President of Worldwide Science of Spirituality and Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission, Delhi, India.
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